Marion County Healthcare Foundation awards over $1.1 million in grants and scholarships
March 25, 2019MCHF Provides $10,000 to the American Red Cross
March 31, 2019Marion County held an emergency meeting on October 04, 2018 at 10:00 am in the County Council Chamber to announce the awarding of a grant by the Marion County Healthcare Foundation to Marion County for $137,764.00. This emergency grant would provide the funding to the County to purchase equipment and establish a county mosquito control program. The funding will allow the purchase of three units along with other equipment and chemicals. Mr. Harper, County Administrator stated, “If not for the Foundation, we probably would be unable to start spraying. Among mounting calls from the citizens to the County about the nuisance of the mosquitoes was the proactive position the County had to take to reduce the risk of disease. The Marion County Healthcare Foundation shared the concern about the mosquitoes and the increase in the risk of health hazards. The MCHF Director, Pete Mazzaroni stated, “The Marion County Healthcare Foundation is pleased to be able to provide this grant to assist Marion County in addressing this very serious need. The mosquito outbreak due to remnants of Hurricane Florence presents a health hazard. This grant directly aligns with our mission of providing innovative grants that help improve the quality of life for the citizens of Marion County.”