The foundation awards two different types of grants; Mini-Grants and Community Impact Grants.

Mini-Grants- Mini-Grants, those $5,000 or less, will be accepted at any time and reviewed on a rolling basis as they come to the foundation.

Community Impact Grants are those grant requests greater than $5,000. As a grant funder with limited resources, our goal is to focus Community Impact Grants to those areas we feel will have the most long term impact moving us toward our vision of a healthy and prosperous Marion County. To that end, our Community Impact Grants are typically limited to the following areas:

-Improving public education

-Increasing access to quality health care services

-Improving our workforce and driving economic development in the county

How to Apply

The first step in the Community Impact Grant Process is submission of a Letter of Interest Form (LOI). This letter will ask you to provide some basic information about your organization and the project for which you are seeking funding.
If your LOI is accepted you will be asked to submit a full application which goes into greater detail about your project. Please note that acceptance of your LOI and invitation to submit a full grant application does not mean that your request will be funded.

With regard to the foundation’s focus areas, grant requests will be evaluated in their ability to address or meet certain criteria. While not all inclusive, the list below provides some of those priorities and criteria.

Workforce Preparedness/Economic Development: assists Marion County in having a ready workforce, gives Marion County a competitive edge in recruiting industry/business, gives Marion County a competitive edge in keeping industry/business, project will generate significant jobs or tax income to the county

Increasing access to quality health services: project meets an important unmet medical need for a wide group of people, project provide access to needed services that otherwise would not exist, project reduces or removes barriers to medical access

Improving Public Education: project aligns with Marion County School District Strategic Vision, project aligns with Marion County Healthcare Foundation Vision

Community Impact Grant applications are reviewed on a quarterly basis with final decision coming at the end of that quarter. Community Impact Grant applications must be received and marked complete by the deadline of a cycle in order to be reviewed and responded to during that cycle. Please allow time for initial review and questions from the grant administrator prior to the application being marked complete. Grant applications marked complete past a cycle deadline will be reviewed during the subsequent cycle.

The Community Impact grant cycle for 2025 is:

Cycle 1-January-March. Cycle deadline February 28, 2025
Cycle 2-April-June. Cycle deadline May 31, 2025
Cycle 3-July-September. Cycle deadline August 31, 2025
Cycle 4- October-December. Cycle deadline November 30, 2025

Please be sure to review our grant focus areas and criteria under the About Us section of our website.

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